21 for 2021

Planning for 2021

This is the third year that I’ve followed the lead of author and podcast host Gretchen Rubin to set goals for the new year.  You can learn more about her process in her recent blog post: https://gretchenrubin.com/2020/12/write-your-21-for-2021-list

This year I am turning 50, so I decided to use the world “GOLDEN” (as in Golden 50th Wedding Anniversary) to inspire me.  When I think about 24-Karat Gold I think about jewelry that is lasting, beautiful and strong.  For 2021 I set 21 goals split evenly between these three qualities.

Lasting: I will create lasting memories with the important people in my life by…

  1. Sending Maggie 6 letters

  2. Going on 8 adventures with Mia

  3. Dating John

  4. Connecting with cool women

  5. Taking a Master Class on Art

  6. Teaching a class at Tri-C

  7. Blogging on Lunge Leadership 1x per month

Beautiful: I will make 2021 beautiful by…

  1. Visiting museums

  2. Entertaining (when COVID-19 allows)

  3. Traveling (when COVID-19 allows)

  4. Painting the family room

  5. Drawing and or painting

  6. Laughing more

  7. Reading for 21 minutes per day

Strong: I will build my mental and physical health by…

  1. Completing a “Dry Jan.”

  2. Setting up a home gym

  3. Meditating 7x per week

  4. Running the CLE 1/2 Marathon

  5. Journaling 3x per week

  6. Working out 6x per week

  7. Working out 4x per week on the Mirror

After I set my goals I used Piktochart to create a virtual type of vision board, that I use as my screen saver on phone and laptop.

Why Set Goals?

2021 will be uncertain and setting goals might seem like a waste of time, but I encourage you to set goals as a way to regain a sense of control. Now is the perfect time to decide what is most important to you and how you could make the most of the new year. You can decide how you want to spend your time and energy and how you can move your life forward despite the challenges of the pandemic. Now is the time to put the lessons we learned in 2020 to work. Setting goals will give you a sense of purpose and when you achieve them throughout the year, you will be proud of your accomplishments.

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meghan bilardogoals, 2021