Create an Environment that Supports your Goals

To be successful in ‘21 carefully build an atmosphere that will make it easier for you to get ahead.  Your environment and the people closest to you can have a profound impact on your daily actions.  Consider this study that found people drank 25% more water and 11% less soda when more water bottles were placed throughout the cafeteria. 


Today review your 2021 goals and then design a setting that will help you achieve your goals. Here are some examples:

  • Improve productivity:

    • set a timer for 25 minutes and only work on 1 task for 25 minutes, when the timer ends take a 5-minute break and then return to the task if needed

    • turn off email notification and only check them at scheduled times throughout the day

    • reward yourself by eating lunch away from your desk

  • Exercise/Move:

    • set out the clothes you want to wear for exercise each night and schedule time to move on a weekly basis

    • text an “accountability buddy” after you have moved each day

    • reward yourself with new workout gear

 We only have a limited amount of willpower to make decisions before it runs out.  Create an environment that makes it easier for you to step towards your goals and more difficult to move away from them. 

meghan bilardogoals, habbit, change