Plan to Move More

If you are looking for ways to add variety and joy into your routine, consider making a plan to move more. Moving your body for about 30 minutes, six days a week can help boost your mood, improve your short and long term health and help you pass the time while you are confined to your home.

Adding more movement into your day does not have to be overwhelming.

Here are three tips to help:

  1. Learn about the three ways to move

  2. Find physical activities that you like within each of the three move categories

  3. Schedule to move 6 days per week

Three Ways to Move:

  1. Weights

  2. Endurance (cardo)

  3. Flexibility

Learn more about how much to move from the Mayo Clinic in this “Fitness Basics” article.

Get Started Today:

Download this Moving Plan to schedule in more time to move in new ways, and if needed schedule time with me for one-on-one coaching.