Practicing Gratitude

2020 has been hard so far. 

It can be easy to list all the problems we are facing as individuals and as a society.  Despite all these difficulties it is still possible to identify what is good in our lives and to have positive emotions. 

To help us cope with stress, to deal with adversity and to better connect with others, we can consider practicing gratitude.  The goal of this type of practice is not to ignore our challenges or negative experiences, rather it is to acknowledge them while appreciating the good things in life.  People who practice gratitude experience an improvement in their mental health and wellbeing. 

Why not give it a try?

  1. Feel the way you feel.  Allow yourself to move through feelings of pain, disappointment etc. vs. shutting them down.

  2. Make room for positive and negative emotions.  Try to feel gratitude in tandem with your difficult feelings.   

  3. When you are ready

    1. Try to write down 3 things that you are grateful for or

    2. Try to write 3 thank you letters.  Describe what they did, acknowledge their effort and the positive impact they had on you. 

 If it becomes too difficult, try again later.  Practicing gratitude will be easier on some days than others, but the benefits could change your life.