March Madness

Lunge Leadership wants to put a healthy spin on the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament. This is one pool that you can’t lose! No money is required, instead with each game won or lost you are challenged to complete a healthy activity.

Here is how to play:

  1. Complete your bracket

  2. Track your correct picks and complete the corresponding challenge for each round of the tournament. You will have two days of challenges to complete for rounds 1-4.


Round One- March 21st & March 22nd (note: calculate your percentages for each day)

  • 0%-25% correct: Increase the number of steps you take in the next 24 hours by 10%. Park far away from the door, take the stairs, or go for a walk (or take a longer one).

  • 25%-50% correct: Increase the number of vegetables you eat in the next 24 hours. The goal is 2-2 1/2 cups per day. Add veggies to your breakfast, replace chips with carrots and add more salad.

  • 50%-75% correct: Drink an extra 16 oz. of water in the next 24 hours. Try to drink water before your morning coffee or tea!

  • 75%-100% correct: Add 20 minutes of exercise to your schedule in the next 24 hours. You pick the best activity for you based on your overall health. Think stretching, cardio or weights.

Round Two- March 23rd & March 24th (note: calculate your percentages for each day)

  • 0%-25% correct: Give meditation a try! Find 10 minutes within the next 24 hours to focus on you. There are plenty of meditation videos o YouTube or Spotify tracks to guide you through the process.

  • 25%-50% correct: Skip the sweets for the next 24 hours. Swap out your dessert or afternoon candy bar for fruit or herbal tea.

  • 50%-75% correct: Move one time per hour during the day (8AM-5PM). Set an alarm on your phone to take a mental and physical break. Stand up, stretch, and or walk for three minutes.

  • 75%-100% correct: Log what you eat and drink for the next 24 hours. You can use an app like Lose it or a piece of paper. The challenge is not to change what you eat, just track it.

Round Three- Sweet Sixteen, March 28th & March 29th (note: calculate your percentages for each day)

  • 0%-25% correct: Unplug! Turn off your phone or use the Screen Time Setting on your iPhone to set app limits or set Downtime for 2 hours out of the next 24. You decide when and how to spend your time while not being on your phone.

  • 25%-50% correct: Send an email or card to three people within the next 24 hours. Thank them for all they do for you and express gratitude for having them in your life.

  • 50%-75% correct: Delegate something within the next 24 hours. Examine your To Do List and decide what you can “outsource” or pay someone to do or ask for help from a family or friend to lighten your load.

  • 75%-100% correct: “Push it Real Good!” See how many push-ups you can complete either first thing in the morning or before you go to bed within the next 24 hours.

Round Four - Elite Eight, March 30th & 31st (note: calculate your percentages for each day)

  • 0%-25% correct: Take photos of the things that make you happy over the next 24 hours. Take time to be present and to appreciate all the small and big things that bring you joy.

  • 25%-50% correct: Aim to get between 7-9 hours of sleep over the next 24 hours. Set a bedtime alarm on your phone, turn off your screens and if needed check out the Sleep With Me podcast to help you catch some Z’s.

  • 50%-75% correct: Make all your meals for the next 24 hours. Plan for and prepare breakfast, pack lunch and eat dinner at home. Check out or to help you plan for three healthy meals.

  • 75%-100% correct: Stretch for 15 minutes over the next 24 hours to increase range of motion, decrease joint pain, and relieve tension.

Final Four- April 6th

  • 0%-50% correct: Try a new morning routine within the next 24 hours. You decide the new activity to add to your morning. Set your alarm 10-15 minutes earlier than normal then do something new like reading, walking, stretching, praying, making your bed or cooking breakfast.

  • 50%-100% correct: Eat a high protein breakfast within the next 24 hours. Skip the cereal, bagels and muffins and eat eggs, cottage cheese, avocado or greek yogurt instead.

National Championship Game- April 8th

  • Picked the winner: Pack some healthy snacks to eat over the next 24 hours. Having mandarin oranges, almonds or cheese sticks with you make it easier for you to turn down the sweet or salty snacks at the office.

  • Picked the loser: Invite a friend to exercise with you sometime over the next 24 hours. Aim for atleast 20 minutes of exercise based on your overall health. Go for a walk, ride bikes or complete a Yoga with Adriene video on YouTube together.