Prioritizing Your Well-Being

We've all been there – feeling overwhelmed, pushing ourselves to the brink, believing that our worth is intrinsically tied to how much we work. But let's take a moment to reflect on this idea. Are we really proving our worth by overworking, or are we silently colluding with the pressures of a society that encourages us to sacrifice our own well-being for work?

A recent article in the Harvard Business Review, "Why We Glorify Overwork and Refuse to Rest," sheds light on the importance of recognizing our tendency to overwork and reclaiming our mental and physical wellness. My key takeaways are simple but not always easy: prioritize sleep, aiming for 8 hours, and invest just 20–30 minutes a day to moving your body. These small changes can help us combat burnout.

🌟 Here's the call to action: 🌟

1. Read the Article

2. Identify Your Change: What's one change you'd like to make this week to prioritize your mental and physical wellness?

Let's embark on this journey together and create a culture of wellness,

not just work!