Making the Most of Being "Stuck" at Home

To flatten the curve of spreading the coronavirus we are all being asked to limit our interactions with others and to practice social distancing.  This can be frustrating but it can also be an opportunity to set and achieve new goals. Here are my recommendations to help make the most out your time at home:

  1. Dream about “what could be”. Is there something that you want to learn?  Do you want to make changes in your career? Would you like to become closer to a family member? How would you like to improve your health and fitness? What projects have you been meaning to start around the house or the yard?

  2. Pick one.  Set an intention each week to move one step closer to your goal. Depending on your personality it might help to write it down, have an accountability partner, research how to make your dream come true, do “new stuff” and track your progress.

  3. Have FUN off-line! Move each day by doing yoga, walking, running, or dancing.  Paint, take photos, do puzzles, and make friendship bracelets.  Play board games, cards, bingo or charades. Read books, write in your journal and write letters to friends.  

  4. Look for the good.  Take advantage of the slower pace of life and appreciate all the good things around you.  Celebrate your accomplishments, notice the beautiful sunrise, sing along with your favorite song or fall in love again with your living room sofa!

It is natural to feel scared, resentful, angry and or frustrated because of our time “stuck” at home.  But we need to find ways to move away from these negative feelings and adapt to our new way of life. COVID-19 can teach us lessons if we allow it to. 

Stay well!